i feel kinda bad for Blake here. There is often on child in a family who is the one who takes responsibilities on their shoulders, and it kinda leaves them having less luxuries.
If you’re wondering if I’m talking about me, I thank you for your erroneous confidence.
I don’t remember if I did it as a young kid (probably), but my girls definitely fought sleep, claimed they were wide awake and, fifteen seconds after getting in the car, they were dead to the world. Amazing how limber little kids get when they’re sleeping hard. Like trying to pick up a lump of fresh, warm dough. Just put them over your shoulder and walk them into the house, undress them and put them to bed. They’ll not wake up until morning once they’ve gotten over the sugar rush and collapsed. The most they’ll do is whine a little if you move them about too much.
Little kids’ bones are made of Silly Putty when they’re exhausted.