Of course, it really isn’t that much of an issue if the car is in cinderblocks.
Oh, and for the holidays, might I suggest buying “Little Dee” (or “Spacetrawler”) books and merchandise! (and the Little Dee books will be not available after the end of the year due to contract stuff for the new graphic novel coming out, so BUY NOW!)
I miss my old stickshift :(
The Little Dee anthologies have been my go-to baby gift for a while now. I guess I had better stock up— people aren’t going to stop having babies just because the books are out of print. Still, it’s a real loss to the world of graphic literature.
@Manifesta. At some point they may wish to release versions of their own, although her origin story is different in the graphic novel so a LOT of strips would have to be changed or dropped.
And it will theoretically maybe come back into print eventually if my relationship with them ends, which I hope it never does, or doesn’t for a very very VERY long time. :)
but yeah, it was a difficult contract concession, but understandable.