I find that so much of humor is based on the “nature” of a character, and so telling a dog “fetch” is so repeatedly ripe for it. Dog’s can’t help it. You say “fetch” and bang, they’re off.
As the story goes, the scorpion said “No, frog, of course I won’t sting you if you carry me across the pond. If I did, then we would BOTH drown.” Upon stinging (of course), as they both sink, the frog asks why. “Because,” said the scorpion, “it is in my nature.”
Bethanne is the one who told me the “motorboat motorboat” song that goes with swimming, I never heard it growing up. But it was so cute that i had to write this strip.
Ted’s temper is shown a little bit here, although it later rather mellowed out.
I was particularly proud of Blake’s line in this one. Not only to show his earnest/clueless nature, but also because it gave us a visual to imagine — that of Dee sitting at the bottom of the lake not swimming at all.
In real life this would not be funny at all. Just so’s you know.
Right understanding (through explanation) that his idea won’t work, wrong in understanding that the same reasoning applies to similar ideas.
Pebbles are still a good idea.
A second wing flapping moment I’m proud of. :)
I wonder what it is about going down river, that there MUST BE A WATERFALL for any story to be exciting.
Dee is a lot more scared than she is in later strips. Perhaps parental separation anxiety was more acute back then. Hrm.
I like how the flapping feather in the last panel came out. It took a few sketches to get that down.
The last two panels of this strip are two of my favorites. The expression, the sentiment, everything. Heck, Ted’s expression in the first panel is lovely too.
My, but Dee is strong in panel #3.
I liked playing with this concept, that to make someone bug off, you participate with them (unwittingly to them) to build their deliverance. :)
She totally looks like a muppet, to me, in the third panel (and I openly admit that the Muppets have been a big influence on me).
This strip came from the idea that something coming back like a swing actually is a complex concept and requires some foresight. Blake was the obvious choice. :)