I like that Ted sometimes gives himself an out and doesn’t carry all responsibility on his shoulders (and I also wonder if that it purely a whistle of “I’m pretending like i saw nothing” or if there isn’t a bit of glee in it).
I also like that Dee is just placidly doing her thing, and also that she serves tea to the teddy bear.
Ever since I began swimming as a kid, I’ve always loved how clear everything is underwater, and how surreal it is to see the bottom half of people underwater and the top half obscured by the water’s surface.
I’d say this strip was half inspired by the joke, and half inspired by me wanting simply to draw it.
I think as the strip went on that perhaps Dee lost a little bit of this surreal strong physical-gag punchline material. For better? For worse? Who knows. I have as much love for later strips. But a gag like this is lovely and wicked and all sorts of wrong.
This whole strip was about me wanting to draw the middle panel, although I like the punchline too.
I also tried to work in (through the middle panel) that they live in the woods in a somewhat rural area with towns around.
I liked this flaw in logic. Because he’s a bird, it’s easy to laugh at him for being foolish, but it’s actually not that unreasonable for him to draw this conclusion.
And stewardesses. Pure logic that every plane needs one. Who else will serve us ginger ale?
So…. I’ve been TERRIBLE about getting strips online for sale (which weren’t for sale before). And now I’m finding that the PHP I use to put the strips up for sale isn’t working on a tag search. Sigh.
Anyhow, a few of the strips I’ve posted over the last few weeks are for sale. They are these:
6/24 Follow By Scent
7/1 Oriental Vase
7/13 Hang Glider
7/15 Vachel Gets Thwacked
7/17 Getting Pickles
And of course, today’s strip.
This was a fun one to write. As briefly as I could, I wrote down the objective of chess, and then exploited the obvious flaw.
It was kinda’ like writing an alien, who takes things literally.